EZ-editor™ Series Products

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Stable expression

STR and Cas9 effect reports are available

Simple to use

Only transfect gRNA to fulfill gene KO; co-transfect donor DNA to fulfill KI and point mutation

Various use

It can be used to establish gene editing cell lines or to verify gRNA cutting efficiency
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Multiple options

Including various reporter genes, including EGFP, Luciferase and mCherry.

Stable expression

STR and luciferase expressing reports are available

High quality

Low passage, stable expression, high sensitivity, good imaging capacity

Various use

Feasible for cell tracking, in-vivo imaging, high-thoughput screening
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Multiple choose

Covering thousands of genes, providing lentivirus plasmids and non-viral plasmids

Simple to use

gRNA-CAS9 all in one, transfect one plasmid can achieve gene KO

High editing efficiency

Unique plasmid system, smaller size, better for transfection. Combine with automated gRNA designer, ensure efficient cutting!
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